005. Koh Lanta Lanta Lanta
“Lanta! Lanta! Lanta!”
It turns out Lanta is great, and that’s why everybody says it is. Easy island life, with good food, good people, and good prices.
We’ve had less of an action-packed time this week it feels, although have still been out on a sea kayaking trip, and a biiiiiiig snorkelling trip to Koh Rok and Koh Haa. At the latter we jumped into the water, only to be greeted by a literal sea of baby jellyfish. Talk about facing your fears head on. No stings though happily, and after about 10 minutes I stopped clutching myself and swearing into my mask. Personal growth. Ke was unfazed as ever, a real action man.
We’ve also had our maiden scooter, which has been fun! Twice this week we’ve commuted to our adopted coworking space, The Glass House, which deserves a mention for being a truly great place to work, for minimal monies (a key point for us Frugal Freddies).
The funny thing about working abroad is that you find yourself deeply engrossed in exporting, file types, copy-editing, UAT-ing or whatever, but then when you come up for air and step outside for a drink or a smoke, BOOM! You’re in Thailand. It’s easy to forget.
What else to say? We’re still having a blast, my hair is still a nightmare (Ke says I should write a whole blog dedicated to my hair fiasco, to get it out of my system), the sun IS NOT PLAYING (as a forever sunseeker even I’ve been chased into the shade), and Thai life maybe is the ultimate good life.
Tomorrow we start the journey back into Central-ish Thailand, via Krabi Town, a 9h bus, Rangon and a ferry to Ko Phayam.
Toot toot!