010. Hong Kong? Why Not.

So, that was it. We left Thailand. Devastating. 

Aiming to squeeze out every last drop of this leg of our mad year though we realised (on the flight) that we actually had a 6 hour layover and that, perhaps, we didn't have to wait in the airport... 

Cue the Airport Express to Kowloon Station, a quick stop at 7/11 for a melon milk carton, a whinge about the weather (overcast, a bit chilly, drizzling) and finding a good spot to watch the 8pm infamous Symphony of Lights over Victoria Harbour. Nice!

We hadn't expected to be in “public”, mind, so were essentially in our pyjamas. Never let an outfit stand between you and adventure.


011. Off-grid(ish) in Matarraña


009. Bangkok: One more time with feeling