003. Hua Hin: a Town of Many Layers
Hua Hin. It’s been a funny one. On one hand our initial impressions about the reputation of the town have turned out to be bang on the money, and it hasn’t gotten any less jarring to walk through the alleys of the myriad ‘romance bars’. But on the other hand, it’s quite a nice place! We think there could definitely be a way to visit without being slapped in the face by its lurid, quivering underbelly.
We also think that some people have seen us wandering about and thought that I’ve sorted myself out a nice Thai boy. Equality, or something. Funny, in a way.
The major revelation for these few days have been bikes. Free bikes from the guest house! Thank you guest house. We’ve cycled all over, found great food, sweet people, fun markets, excellent non-seedy massages, surf bars, beach fronts and monkey temples. No photos from the monkey temple unfortunately due to constant threat of primate mugging.
We tried to go to a Muay Thai show (show? match?) but they were charging a million Baht so we’ll save that for another town.
The other major revelation has been mosquitos. Awful, awful. DEET-d up to the eyeballs, new gadget purchased, covered in anti-histamine cream. Grim.
Tonight we’re onto Krabi via sleeper bus. Cross your fingers.
C&K x